Civil society
Partnerships and projects
The relations of the Indigenous peoples of Latin America with the surrounding societies have historically resulted in the social degradation of native communities and the deterioration of the natural resources of Indigenous lands. But since the discussion about sustainable development has started, the struggle of the Indigenous peoples for relations that are both fairer and more dignified with local, national and international societies has reached a new dimension.
Indigenous peoples, who had long been seen as examples of underdevelopment, have begun to be considered important partners in the formulation of strategies for sustainable development.
Today, the postulations of the so-called Indian Question includes truly ensuring Indians the usufruct of the riches that exist within their territories, which can make possible, in additional to the traditional activities of subsistence, the success of new economic activities in accordance with the principles of environmental protection.
In Brazil, indigenism (pro-Indian policy) committed with Indian autonomy opposes the official policy of tutoring protection and assistencialism practiced by Funai, under the argument that it is essential to stimulate, in Indigenous areas, the development of economic alternatives towards sustainable development.
That is one of the guidelines of ISA's work. The Programa Rio Negro (Rio Negro Program), the Programa Parque Indígena do Xingu (Xingu Indigenous Park Program) and the Projeto Xikrin Xikrin (Xikrin Project) are carried out by ISA with local partners. Learn more also about other partnerships between Indigenous organizations and governmental and non-governmental organizations that have been successful in facing such challenge.